Moving by moving!

Life, as we all know can never be perfect. Just as I was enjoying the success that my career had brought me, I lost someone who was dear to me, while my own flesh and blood was also battling cancer during the same time. I started asking myself: “ what is the meaning of life? What do I want out of my life? What would make me really happy and fulfill?” I know the only way for me to get those answers is to follow my heart, and to push myself to make a drastic change.

So yes, I quit my job, sold my house and left this “old” life as I knew, and everything I had behind. I bought a bicycle and decided to take on a personal journey in the hope of pursuing happiness. I became "the Bike Ambassador" and in a globally conflictive time, I tried to make a positive contribution, bridging the language and culture barriers around the world. I also supported the HCWF Charity foundation in Vietnam, collecting money for 80 orphans in order to secure their medical care for the next 5 years. See video of my tour: Video

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World Tour by Bicycle


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